When the live weights of fattening have reached 10 kg live weight, they must pass through the Eriş Double Lamb Feeding Feed. In this period, the aim is to prepare the lambs for the market and to plump quickly. Lambs must have enough fresh water during this last fattening period. Up to 300 grams of leguminous dry coarse feed and dry meadow per lamb should be available free of charge with the Double Lamb Cattle Feed. Especially in this last period the shelters of the lambs should be warm. The most critical feature of this period is the occlusion of the urinary bladders. Carefully balanced Double Lamb Fattening Feed balancing lambs feed should not be disturbed by external crumbs or information should be obtained from the Eriş Feed specialists. With these applications, fat-free lamb and high-yielding carcass are obtained. If intensive feeding program is used, the rough feed is not used. WEIGHT: Net 50kg.