The egg has been used as human food since history. On average, in terms of nutrients contained in an egg of normal size; it equals 60 gr. MEAT and 160 gr. MILK. In a short period of time, like 21 days in certain humidity and temperature conditions of the egg, is sufficient to explain the nutritional value of a living organism (chick formation). In addition, the fact that nature offers it to people with its special packaging (shell) and that it cannot cheat in any way except for its brittleness gives the egg a great feature among other food items. Breast milk and eggs have the highest quality protein in all foods. Protein content in the egg is 12.1%.
The "Essential Amino Acids", which are not synthesized in the human body and absolutely necessary to be taken from the outside with nutrients, are in sufficient and balanced quantities. Adequate and balanced nutrition is recommended, especially in children with mental and physical developmental period, at least half of the protein consumption is the animal origin. For this reason, eggs are of great importance in child nutrition. The egg also contains vitamins such as A, D, E, K, B2, B6 and B12 and very valuable MINERALS such as Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Iodine, Flor, Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine, Copper, Sulphur, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese. The energy value of the egg is very low. A normal sized egg gives only 75-80 calories. For this reason, egg nutritional value is ideal for those who do not want to gain as much weight as the patients at the healing stage who need to eat high and light foods. The energy in the egg comes from the fat and the protein in its composition. For this reason, even though your meal that contains eggs makes you feel satiety, it doesn’t overcharge the calories. Eggs contain saturated fatty acids, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and contain a low amount of total fat. Namely; normal sized egg contains about 4.5 gr. fat. Only 1.5 grams of Saturated Fatty Acids, 3 grams of 2/3 Unsaturated Fatty Acids. Because the egg protein has high absorption properties in the intestines, digestion is also good. At the same time, the egg has an antibiotic effect. Vitamin A in the egg composition is good for the eyesight, bone growth and healthy teeth. It helps body cells develop. It ensures that the respiratory and digestive system is healthy and protected against infections. Egg yolk is one of several nutrients that provide vitamin D.
It plays an effective role in the development of bones, especially in children. Vitamin E in the egg protects the body against foreign substances thanks to the ANTIOXIDANT (Oxidation Prevention) effect. Vitamins of Group B on the eggs and especially Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) are for skin and eye health. CHOLINE in the egg plays an important role, especially in children's mental and physical development. Iron prevents the anaemia. Protect children from growth and developmental problems and possible diseases. It has been determined that eggs play an active role in preventing many diseases due to the rich nutrient content. For example; it has been determined that young women who consume eggs regularly are less likely to have breast cancer in older ages and that regular consumption of eggs in women is effective in alleviating menopausal symptoms and preventing osteoporosis. It is known that even the consumption of regular eggs reduces the risk of being paralysis. An egg in a normal size has215 mg. cholesterol. For this reason, the egg has gained a bad reputation for many years, and it has been misunderstood that egg consumption will increase the level of serum cholesterol in the bloodstream and lead to a dangerous vascular disease, Atherosclerosis. In this regard, researches have been carried out and carried out in various parts of the world. But to date, no definite conclusion has been reached.
Considering that high cholesterol in the egg caused a direct increase in blood cholesterol, the egg was kept away from all diets and consumed with fear. In fact, cholesterol is a necessary substance for a normal organism, even if it is not taken from outside, the body spontaneously produces it. Cholesterol, an oil-like substance synthesized in the body and in all animals, is essential for the isolation of nerve fibres, for the integrity of the cell wall, for the synthesis of vitamin D, for the formation of various hormones and digestive secretions. In the regulation of blood cholesterol level, the individual's genetic structure, lifestyle and nutritional pattern are important criteria. The effect of saturated fat on blood cholesterol level is higher than on a high cholesterol diet. Pay attention to the ratio of total fat and saturated fatty acids rather than cholesterol. If there is no cholesterol metabolism disorder in the person, if he or she feeds adequately and balanced, if he or she maintains ideal body weight, if he or she is physically active and does not use cigarettes; there is no need to worry about the egg's high cholesterol content.
Famous Cardiovascular Surgery and Memorial Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Department Head Dr. according to the results of an important research conducted by Bingür SÖNMEZ and his team on Turkish subjects and ERIS Eggs; day or more per day there was neither increasing in risk factors for blood fat and arterial stiffness in ERİŞ Eggs-eating groups, nor there was a change in factor levels that defined the risk of arteriosclerosis despite a slight elevation in malignant cholesterol. Based on these findings, the research team headed by Professor Dr. Bingür SÖNMEZ says "healthy people can eat an egg every day, heart disease every day". As a result, it has been determined by healthy people that there is no harm due to cardiovascular diseases of the egg that is eaten every day or every other day, and even everyone and even the heart patients can eat an egg without hesitation.
In summary, the eggs are delicious, nutritious and cheap nutrition.
Why Eriş Eggs?
· Raw materials used in feed are carefully selected and used in production after quality controls are made. Stinky, mouldy, damp and bitter raw materials are not used in feed production. Raw materials that affect taste negatively are not used. Materials such as meat-bone meal are not used in feed although the feed cost is reduced.
· Organic and certified feed additives are used in feeds. For example, amino acids that are organic in form are used.
· The clover flour is used, which provides the integrity of the egg flow and gives the natural colour of the yellow. Synthetic colorants are not used.
· The shelf life of eggs is prolonged due to the antioxidant properties of clover flour and selenium added to the feed.
· There are no feed additives or any medicines that leave residue in the egg.
· The food distribution chain procedure is applied to final sales points.
· The eggs come from the egg repository through the egg conveyor and are classified by the weight in the egg sorting machine without hand and filled with violets.
· The daily produced eggs are transported to the market without being kept in storage.
· All our eggs are organic selenium.