Our cattle R & D farm was established in 2002 in Kadikoy, Silivri. Our farm has about 150-200 animals, of which 50 are cows, calves, heifers, dried cows and fattening steers. The feeds we have developed in our factory are first tried in our R & D farm. Here, we measure the performance and efficiency of the feed and then present it to our customers. Our R & D farm is open to the visits of our individual and institutional customers and we show the proposed animal feeding methods practically to our customers in this farm. In addition to trying our feeds produced in our R & D farm, researches are also being done on increasing milk and fattening performance, most economical feeding method, animal health and reproduction / fertilization, and the following points are highlighted.
- There are predominantly Holstein cattle races in our farm. (This is the main race in our customers have.) In our researches and experiments, milk and fattening performances of this breed are measured. However, other races are being investigated in other races, such as the milk amount of the jersey race, the fattening performance of the Belgian blue and the Simental race.
- Cows milked by the robotic system are fed individually based on the milk. The studies we have done show that the most expensive meal is the most economical nutrition method we have given in proportion to the milk that our cows give (because it will be the richest food). . That is to say, "the most expensive feed is actually the most economical feed". Besides getting cheaper, our cows will not lose their condition, problems of keeping fertility and nutritional diseases will be prevented.
- We started our feed production in 2008 with Expander technology (baking in high temperature and blowing cell wall from raw material with high pressure) before we started expander in our own farm, we tried it in our farm. We found that milk in dairy cows increased by 10%. The same results were obtained in our large farm client who worked with us, and the results in our R & D farm were confirmed. The same results were obtained in our fattening consultants as the benefit from the feed was increased.
- The addition of feed additives (yeast, bypass oil, different mineral compounds) to the concentrate additionally showed a very positive contribution to performance.
- Our research on reproductive and fertilization in our farm is carried out with the former president of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University. Dr. Kamuran İleri. In order to activate the corpus luteum in the direction of reproduction, different preparations were applied, and benefits of carrying out periodic checks to ensure the viability of the reproductive tracts were monitored.
- We have learned that we need to sacrifice to them after we have seen the performance of the calf starter and enlargement feeds we tried in our calves, regardless of cost, provided that the feeds of the best quality raw materials.
- We observed the contribution of free feeding (as much feed as possible) and an absolutely solid pellet feeding diet to the health benefits of the paddock and the meat-holding performance in the paddock when we fed the calves.